At MT Airy Lions Club, our charity initiatives aim to uplift and support individuals across the community. We’re dedicated to making a meaningful difference through targeted programs that address both immediate needs and long-term development.
SCHOLARSHIPS FOR LINGANORE AND SOUTH CARROLL STUDENTS GOING TO A TWO-YEAR COLLEGE OR TECH SCHOOL – We give a $500.00 scholarship to qualifying seniors at these schools, and a 2nd $500.00 if they apply the following year.
VISION SCREENINGS AT LOCAL DAY CARE AND CHURCHES – We give free vision tests to the children
MEDICAL EQUIPMENT LOAN – Various items of hospital equipment are available for a 3-month loan
FOOD BASKETS AT THANKSGIVING/FOOD BASKETS AND GIFT CERTIFICATES AT CHRISTMAS – Families in need are given food baskets at Thanksgiving and Christmas. At Christmas, we give the family a gift certificate to a local retail store.
YARD SALES – We have two-yard sales each year: One is the last Saturday in April; the other is the last Saturday in September. Booths are rented for the day of the sale.
PARR’S RIDGE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL – We purchased playground equipment and provided a locker fairy
MOUNT AIRY MIDDLE SCHOOL – At MAMS we paid for a storage shed, basketball hoops, and a sound system
LEO CLUB AT MOUNT AIRY MIDDLE SCHOOL – Any student attending the Middle School can become a member of the Leo Club. Leos help us at our various functions while earning community hours.
FISHING DERBY – The Annual Fishing Derby is held the first Saturday in May at Prospect Park. Children age 15 and under fish for prizes for largest, smallest, and most fish caught.
EASTER EGG HUNT – The annual Easter Egg Hunt is held on Palm Sunday at the Mount Airy Fire Company Activities grounds. This past year, 12,000 eggs were strewn around the grounds.
LEADER DOG – Leader Dog for the Blind programs are provided at no cost to the person. This program matches clients with a Leader Dog and offers training in a wide variety of situations to fit current and future needs.
DIAMOND JUBILEE – The Diamond Jubilee is for Mount Airy residents 75 and older to celebrate them. The town service organizations are responsible for the dinner. It is held at the American Legion in May.
RESIDENT VISION NEEDS – When a resident cannot afford glasses, we help get a vision test and glasses.
MARQUE SIGNS AT EACH END OF TOWN – These signs have been a landmark in Mount Airy for many years. They let the residents know about upcoming events or items of interest. We are responsible for maintenance and changing the signs.
TOWN CLOCK – Just about everyone traveling on Main Street has seen the Town Clock. The Mount Airy Lions Club had that installed.
Contact us to empower our local communities by participating in ongoing projects. Your involvement plays a crucial role in advancing our local community support efforts. Together, we can continue to inspire change and strengthen the fabric of our region.